An EU project on the inclusion of visually impaired people in dance and performing arts, led by Bærum Kulturhus (Norway), in collaboration with Vo’Arte (Portugal), Tallinn University (Estonia) and Salamanda Tandem (UK).
FRAGILE is a transnational project on the inclusion of visually impaired people in the performing arts, on the outskirts of Europe.
FRAGILE is based on the experience of the Norwegian choreographer Kjersti K. Engebrigtsen in dance with blind persons and similar experiences of Estonian choreographer Ajjar Ausma and Portuguese choreographer Ana Rita Barata.
The choreographers will collaborate during almost two years through seminars, meetings and workshops. They will then create three new performances, which will be shown in 2013 in Oslo, Lisboa and Tallinn, and be documented in three documentary films.
Portugali produtsent
Norra produtsent Baerum Kulturhus UUDISKIRI märts 2013
Vahur Laiapea dokumentaalfilm “Fragile.Nägemiseni laval” (2013)
Info Põhja-Eesti Pimedate Ühingu kodulehel
Ajakiri “Teater.Muusika.Kino” mai 2014
FRAGILE? sümpoosion “Tants, kunst ja nägemisvaegus” Tallinn Ülikoolis
Toimumisaeg: 20.-21. aprill, 2013
Organiseerija: FRAGILE Eesti (kaasrahastatud Euroopa Liidu kultuurikoostöö programmist Kultuur), Tallinna Ülikool (Eesti), Bærum Kulturhus (Norra), Vo’Arte (Portugal), Salamanda Tandem (Suurbritannia)